4 ways to practise cyclical living when life feels overwhelming 4 ways to practise cyclical living when life feels overwhelming 4 ways to practise cyclical living when life feels overwhelming

4 ways to practise cyclical living when life feels overwhelming

Are you feeling overwhelmed with life, or stuck in a cycle of tiredness? Listening to your natural rhythms, including the menstrual, lunar, life and seasonal cycles, may help ease stress when things feel too busy…

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Research finds more support needed for UK's elderly to maintain independence at home Research finds more support needed for UK's elderly to maintain independence at home Research finds more support needed for UK's elderly to maintain independence at home

Research finds more support needed for UK's elderly to maintain independence at home

New research reveals that although most older adults in the UK wish to remain in their homes as they grow older, the support they need to do so is lacking.…

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‘Sandwich carers’ more likely to experience a decline in mental health and physical health ‘Sandwich carers’ more likely to experience a decline in mental health and physical health ‘Sandwich carers’ more likely to experience a decline in mental health and physical health

‘Sandwich carers’ more likely to experience a decline in mental health and physical health

New research reveals parents who juggle the responsibilities of caring for both ageing relatives and young children experience poorer mental and physical health.…

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