New campaign, #ChangeTheStory, launched today by The Hearts Minds and Genes Coalition…
Keep up to date with the latest news and information on mental health and wellbeing
EDAW 2022: Worth more than two hours
This year’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week campaign calls for more robust training for GPs. Here we chat to Beat to learn more…
UK leads the way in destigmatising mental health
A new global study has found the UK has seen a huge shift in attitudes towards mental health…
Gender pay gap within trades industry revealed
While women have been pioneers in the trade industry, new research reveals the staggering pay gap…
Join the conversation: Eating Disorders Awareness Week
We will be chatting with eating disorder charity Beat to learn more about this year’s campaign…
Hairdressing students get suicide prevention training
As part of their college training, barbering and hairdressing students in Devon are learning how to step in and offer support…
Is it time to check in on tradespeoples’ mental health?
We should be talking about the 75,000 UK trade businesses currently impacted by a potential mental health issue…
More than a third of young people are uncomfortable talking about grief, study reveals
What is it that makes young people feel too uncomfortable to talk about grief, and how can we better support them?…
Ethnic minority workers are paid 84% of what their white counterparts receive
New research highlights the extent of the ethnic pay gaps, and shines a light on the mental health impact…