Our expert columnist Nikita Thakrar shares her own lived experience with a chronic illness, and highlights the tools that have supported her…

Your health and wellbeing should always come first, we provide professional opinions, advice and techniques in our wellbeing features
How can watching sports boost wellbeing?
We know physical activity is good for our health but did you know watching sports can also benefit mental health and wellbeing?…
Ask the experts: What is Bowen therapy?
Complementary therapist Judith Kilgallon answers your questions on the Bowen technique…
Can the songs of your youth be today’s wellbeing tools?
Discover why music takes us back, and how to use it to support wellbeing…
Jill Halfpenny shares her grief story and what she’s learned on the way
From life’s most challenging experiences, the actor shares the lessons she’s learning as she navigates the ongoing journey of grief…
6 ways to manage menopause symptoms
Menopause symptoms can have a significant impact on your life. We share six ways you can manage symptoms without (or alongside) medication. What happens during menopause (and perimenopause) varies from person to person. Menopause affects each of us in different ways. Symptoms can start years before your periods stop, and…
10 steps to creating a more open and inquisitive mind
What are the benefits of curiosity, what hinders it, and how can we foster it?…
5 essential tips for a Pilates beginner
Enter the world of Pilates and reap the wellbeing benefits with these invaluable insights…
Everything you need to know about functional freeze
Does it ever feel like something isn’t quite right, like you’re disconnected or lack motivation, but neither anxiety or depression quite fit? You could be experiencing functional freeze…