Why am I a perfectionist (and how do I overcome perfectionism)? Why am I a perfectionist (and how do I overcome perfectionism)? Why am I a perfectionist (and how do I overcome perfectionism)?

Why am I a perfectionist (and how do I overcome perfectionism)?

Are you cursed by perfectionism? Do you feel like you always need to be your best self? Or find yourself piling on the pressure to meet unreasonable standards? You may be falling into the trap of perfectionism.…

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How can identifying and acknowledging stimming behaviours help our self-esteem? How can identifying and acknowledging stimming behaviours help our self-esteem? How can identifying and acknowledging stimming behaviours help our self-esteem?

How can identifying and acknowledging stimming behaviours help our self-esteem?

It’s time to change perceptions; understanding your stimming behaviour and lesser-known stims could be key to improving your self-esteem…

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