What is the sunk cost fallacy and could it be stifling your potential? What is the sunk cost fallacy and could it be stifling your potential? What is the sunk cost fallacy and could it be stifling your potential?

What is the sunk cost fallacy and could it be stifling your potential?

From forcing yourself to finish a book you’re not enjoying to remaining in an unhappy long-term relationship, what is the sunk cost fallacy and how can we break free?…

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5 tips for overcoming ‘sunshine guilt’ 5 tips for overcoming ‘sunshine guilt’ 5 tips for overcoming ‘sunshine guilt’

5 tips for overcoming ‘sunshine guilt’

The eagerly anticipated arrival of warmer weather in England has finally arrived, prompting many to embrace the sunshine outdoors, but what if you can’t—or what if you just don’t want to? If you experience feelings of guilt for staying indoors on warm sunny days, you're not alone.…

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One size does not fit all: breaking the mould on perceptions of healthy bodies One size does not fit all: breaking the mould on perceptions of healthy bodies One size does not fit all: breaking the mould on perceptions of healthy bodies

One size does not fit all: breaking the mould on perceptions of healthy bodies

Health and fitness doesn’t have a singular acceptable aesthetic. Here, author and coach Michelle Elman shares the journey of her own relationship with exercise, and how we need to stop making assumptions about people’s health or abilities just by looking at them…

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