Mind Survey Finds Thousands Of Us Keeping Quiet On Poor Mental Health At Work Mind Survey Finds Thousands Of Us Keeping Quiet On Poor Mental Health At Work Mind Survey Finds Thousands Of Us Keeping Quiet On Poor Mental Health At Work

Mind Survey Finds Thousands Of Us Keeping Quiet On Poor Mental Health At Work

A new survey from charity Mind has found nearly half of us are experiencing poor mental health, and that even more of us suffering would carry on working…

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Reporting a Mental Health Issue at Work Reporting a Mental Health Issue at Work Reporting a Mental Health Issue at Work

Reporting a Mental Health Issue at Work

Talking about your mental health – to anyone – can be frightening, but talking to your employer? That’s a whole new kettle of fish. How do you tell them you’re struggling? Can they even help? It’s not easy, but with a little information and guidance, the conversation can be a lot less daunting…

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