Looking forward to getting away? Here’s how you can make the most out of that pre-holiday high – and how you can avoid pre-holiday syndrome…
The holidaymaker’s guide to ecotourism
Take steps to tread lightly as you explore and embrace the things our world has to offer…
Dopamine travel: The power of colourful destinations
You may have heard that wearing vibrant, bold colours can uplift mood and boost wellbeing, but did you know that visiting colourful destinations can have a similar effect?…
Soft travel: How to slow down when on holiday
Planning a holiday this summer? Here, we look at the TikTok ‘soft travel’ trend and share some tips for getting started…
The comfort of familiarity: What happens in our minds when we return to familiar places?
When it comes to planning the next holiday to look forward to, why do so many of us enjoy returning to somewhere we’ve visited before?…
7 useful products to add to your anti-anxiety travel toolkit
Keep your mind grounded while your dreams soar, with these tools for combatting travel anxiety…
5 top tips for travelling as an introvert
Learn how to explore the world your way, and step out into the great unknown with confidence…
What is fernweh and how can it explain our yearning for adventure?
Does your heart ache at the thought of not exploring the world? You may be experiencing fernweh…