Could spending directed time with horses be the therapeutic experience you’re looking for?…
How to support a teenager who self-harms
Wise words from adults who have been there themselves…
How antidepressants can affect your dreams
Medication helps many to manage their mental health, but one side-effect could really be the stuff of nightmares……
Pregnancy sickness: Why is nausea not being taken more seriously?
Understanding the serious effects nausea and sickness can have on your mental health during pregnancy…
Hyperfixation: What is it and what are the pros and cons?
We’re highlighting the good (and the bad) of hyperfixation, along with practical tips to turn it into focus…
10 mental health metaphors (and what they tell us about how we’re feeling)
From holding a beach ball underwater to trying to fix the roof in a storm, we share ten mental health metaphors…
How to support a partner with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Learn how to weather out the storm, together…
A deep dive into men’s mental health with professional coach, Steve Maher
Columnist Steve Maher explores why so many men are struggling, and the steps they can take to better support themselves…
Got the urge to run away? There could be value in listening to these feelings
If you’ve ever had the feeling that you need to just drop everything and bolt, there can actually be a logical explanation for this…