Exploring why reaching ‘mid-life’ can be such a period of anxiety and uncertainty, and how to reframe our perspective…
In this regular column, experts from across the Happiful directories explore a range of mental health and wellbeing topics.
Our expert columnist on the power of moral support
Discover how impactful this often underestimated tool can be, and ways you can ensure that you show up in someone’s corner…
Living with a chronic illness: a patient’s perspective
Our expert columnist Nikita Thakrar shares her own lived experience with a chronic illness, and highlights the tools that have supported her…
Chakras for communication: Our expert columnist shares her tips
An expert-look into how to open up your throat chakra to see your communication flourish…
What is manifestation all about and how does it work?
Our expert columnist takes a deep dive into this mysterious concept…
Feel like you’ve lost yourself? Here's how to find your way back
Our expert columnist Nikita Thakrar discusses how to navigate and recenter when it feels like we have lost ourselves, in order to find our way…