5 Ways Gardening Benefits Mental Health 5 Ways Gardening Benefits Mental Health 5 Ways Gardening Benefits Mental Health

5 Ways Gardening Benefits Mental Health

If you’re looking for a new hobby that will lift your mood, calm your mind, and improve your living space, then look no further Simple, fun and inexpensive, gardening has been shown to be an effective way to boost mental and emotional wellbeing. It doesn't matter whether…

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Universal Dream Symbols Don’t Exist Universal Dream Symbols Don’t Exist Universal Dream Symbols Don’t Exist

Universal Dream Symbols Don’t Exist

Seeing hidden messages in your sleep? You must be dreaming! Dreams don’t contain universal symbols, according to Harvard Medical School psychologist, Deirdre Barrett. General themes may be present where dreamers share cultural metaphors, but many symbols have opposite meanings to people. Barrett’s example is that of a dog:…

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Can Hypnotherapy Help Cure My Extreme Fear of Spiders? Can Hypnotherapy Help Cure My Extreme Fear of Spiders? Can Hypnotherapy Help Cure My Extreme Fear of Spiders?

Can Hypnotherapy Help Cure My Extreme Fear of Spiders?

Sourcing the subconscious solution to phobias People often accept their phobias [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/phobias/pages/introduction.aspx], assuming there’s no cure available. For some, it can be debilitating, causing daily, unnecessary suffering. But hypnosis has a high success rate in helping people overcome phobias once and…

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Is Stress Damaging My Physical Health? Is Stress Damaging My Physical Health? Is Stress Damaging My Physical Health?

Is Stress Damaging My Physical Health?

Understanding how our physical and mental health are connected For many, minding their physical health may seem like common sense, but this attitude can be a stark contrast to our attitude towards mental health. The link between stress [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/understanding-stress.aspx] and our physical…

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I Think I’m in an Abusive Relationship. What Can I Do? I Think I’m in an Abusive Relationship. What Can I Do? I Think I’m in an Abusive Relationship. What Can I Do?

I Think I’m in an Abusive Relationship. What Can I Do?

Identifying emotional abuse and how to break free from it Emotional or psychological abuse [https://www.relate.org.uk/relationship-help/help-relationships/arguing-and-conflict/what-emotional-abuse] is the ongoing emotional mistreatment of a person by another. It can involve deliberately trying to scare, intimidate, or humiliate, and allows the perpetrator to gain control…

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I’m 27 But Still Get Acne! How Can I Combat My Spots? I’m 27 But Still Get Acne! How Can I Combat My Spots? I’m 27 But Still Get Acne! How Can I Combat My Spots?

I’m 27 But Still Get Acne! How Can I Combat My Spots?

Exploring how diet can contribute to glowing, healthy skin Acne can be distressing, undermining self-confidence and is often a reason why girls start taking the contraceptive pill earlier than they might otherwise have. The most common cause of acne is changes in hormonal levels, such as when you’re about…

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