The relationship technique that’s made its way into the workplace, and how it could bring you some comfort in uncertain times…
Fiona Fletcher Reid
Fiona Fletcher Reid is a freelance writer and author, whose new book, ‘Work It Out’, is available now (Welbeck Balance, £9.99).
Embracing your inner child at work
How embracing our inner-child in the workplace can help us rediscover our passion…
Turn your passion into profit
If you’re looking for a career change, or keen to be your own boss, this is the simple seven-step guide you need to read...…
Making WFH work for you
Adjusting to a new working environment can be tricky, especially when the boundaries between our personal and professional spaces might become blurred. But with this simple five-step guide, you can quickly rise to the challenge…
5 ways to be a happy freelancer
With her new book being your go-to guide for all things freelance, who better to share the secrets of how to protect your mental health while bossing your own business, than Fiona Thomas?…
What is sensory deprivation?
As our lives get ever-more complex, it becomes harder and harder to fully switch off. But there is one sure way to combat overstimulation……
What is vaginismus?
It’s an intimate condition that causes pain, embarrassment, relationship problems, and can ruin your sex life. But do not despair, as most of those afflicted can benefit from treatment…
4 metaphors for anxiety
It’s often difficult to communicate how it really feels to experience anxiety. To offer some insight, we share four ways to paint a visual and emotional picture...…
Are tattoos a form of therapy?
Going under the inker’s needle might hurt physically, but there is some evidence that the painful process could be making you mentally stronger…