Breaking down misconceptions around seeking support, to ensure stigma doesn’t hold you back from making your mental health a priority…
Fiona Fletcher Reid
Fiona is the Features Editor at Happiful Magazine.
5 science-backed benefits of gratitude
Investigating the evidence behind this powerful wellbeing tool, and how we can make the art of appreciation feel like second nature…
What do random acts of kindness do to our brains?
We explore the fascinating science behind engaging in acts of kindness, with tips of how to put it to action…
The truth about little white lies
Why do so many of us stretch the truth in daily life? And how can we navigate tricky conversations without resorting to a little white lie?…
What is post-traumatic embitterment disorder?
Recognise when feelings of resentment seem to rule your life, and how you can help yourself out of a cycle of sourness…
6 common myths about suicide
With the insight of six professionals, we’re highlighting common misconceptions about suicide, and sharing the truth behind the taboo topic…
What is middle child syndrome?
Birth order bias or middle children breaking the mould? It’s time to put a spotlight on family dynamics and stereotypes…
Feeling unappreciated at work or in your relationships? We share tips on how to address it
Feeling like you’re being taken for granted is extremely draining. Here's how to get the acknowledgment you've been missing…
Learn to spot these hidden signs of depression
How to recognise the more subtle signs that someone might be struggling, and exhibiting high-functioning depression…