Could the two-yes, one-no rule be the secret to a happier relationship? Could the two-yes, one-no rule be the secret to a happier relationship? Could the two-yes, one-no rule be the secret to a happier relationship?

Could the two-yes, one-no rule be the secret to a happier relationship?

Making decisions as a couple can be tough – particularly when you disagree on key areas. Could a simple rule help to avoid arguments and create clearer communication?…

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The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us? The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us? The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us?

The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us?

We all complain sometimes (even when we know we shouldn’t) – but is complaining always a bad thing? Or could we be overlooking the benefits of having a good vent?…

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