The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us? The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us? The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us?

The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us?

We all complain sometimes (even when we know we shouldn’t) – but is complaining always a bad thing? Or could we be overlooking the benefits of having a good vent?…

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What is an emotional vampire (and how do I deal with one?) What is an emotional vampire (and how do I deal with one?) What is an emotional vampire (and how do I deal with one?)

What is an emotional vampire (and how do I deal with one?)

Spending time with our friends and family should be rejuvenating. But what about when spending time with friends starts to feel more draining than rejuvenating? We explain more about emotional vampires, the signs to look out for, and what you can do to get back on track.…

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