Could burnt toast theory really offer us the answer to embracing life's little inconveniences to create a greater sense of calm? We share more about the theory, and how it could help you…

Keep up to date with the latest news and information on mental health and wellbeing
Ofsted inspections halted to ensure inspectors receive mental health training
Ofsted's new chief inspector has announced that school inspections will not resume until later in the month to guarantee that inspectors receive mental health training.…
Could social prescribing be the key to youth mental health support?
Children's charity Barnardo’s is calling for the Government to introduce a social prescribing strategy to help tackle the UK’s youth mental health crisis…
How to ground yourself after seeing distressing news
We’re sharing some techniques to keep yourself grounded during periods of uncertainty and distressing events that unfold in the news…
Sick days hit a 10-year high
The number of sick days taken by UK workers has reached the highest point in 10 years. We take a look at why this is and what organisations can do to help…
Those bereaved during lockdown are more likely to experience prolonged grief disorder, study finds
The condition usually affects one in 10 people but jumped up to three in 10 among those bereaved during lockdown…
Why it’s still important to talk about our experiences
A new study suggests that suppressing negative experiences could improve mental health. We take a look at why psychotherapy is still an important part of your toolkit…
Hobbies linked to improved wellbeing among older people
A new study finds that engaging in hobbies boosts wellbeing and lowers depression in people aged 65 and over…
One in three female NHS surgeons has been sexually assaulted
Nearly one in three female surgeons working in the NHS have been sexually assaulted in the last five years, as stated by a study compiled by the University of Exeter and published in the British Journal of Surgery…