Older people in England are happier than before the pandemic, but depression remains elevated Older people in England are happier than before the pandemic, but depression remains elevated Older people in England are happier than before the pandemic, but depression remains elevated

Older people in England are happier than before the pandemic, but depression remains elevated

The prevalence of depressive symptoms among older adults has increased, yet those over 50 have shown a remarkable recovery in life satisfaction and sense of purpose since the pandemic.…

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The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us? The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us? The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us?

The benefits of complaining: Can constructive complaining be good for us?

We all complain sometimes (even when we know we shouldn’t) – but is complaining always a bad thing? Or could we be overlooking the benefits of having a good vent?…

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