Columnist Michelle Elman explores why we feel the need to set ‘tests’ to see how much people care – and why they’re such a failure…
Michelle Elman
Michelle Elman is a five-board accredited life coach, most known for her campaign ‘Scarred Not Scared’. Her new book, ‘The Joy of Being Selfish’, is published by Welbeck in February.
Michelle Elman on why you shouldn’t comment on anyone else’s body
Columnist Michelle Elman lays bare the myriad of reasons why you shouldn't comment on others' bodies…
Michelle Elman on why we should embrace exploring the unknown
Author Michelle Elman delves into why we should begin exploring the unknown when we're feeling lost or lacking direction…
Michelle Elman reveals her five greatest career lessons
Columnist Michelle Elman reveals the greatest lessons she’s learned about her career, all of which stemmed from an initial error……
Michelle Elman on how to learn to ask for help
Why do we feel so much pressure to be self-reliant, and how come it is so hard to accept a helping hand? Columnist Michelle Elman explores...…
Michelle Elman on how to relieve the unfair burden of ‘survivor’s guilt’
Columnist Michelle Elman shares the confusing mix of feelings that accompany survivor's guilt and how she got through it…
Michelle Elman on the dilemmas of modern-day dating
Our brand new columnist, author and life coach Michelle Elman explores how we can reframe the dating game…
The ultimate guide to establishing healthy relationship boundaries
Author Michelle Elman teaches us how to set and maintain healthy boundaries within all aspects of our lives…
Ditch the drama: how to set boundaries
Friendship groups can be tricky to navigate, but as life coach and author Michelle Elman shares, boundaries can be powerful tools to ensure quality connections…