Recognise the difference between establishing and communicating clear boundaries, and closing yourself off from others…
Michelle Elman
Michelle Elman is a five-board accredited life coach, most known for her campaign ‘Scarred Not Scared’. Her new book, ‘The Joy of Being Selfish’, is published by Welbeck in February.
Michelle Elman on how to deal with a one-sided relationship
How to spot the signs and adjust the balance when you feel your efforts with friends or relationships aren’t being reciprocated…
Michelle Elman on dealing with gossip
How to handle gossip-mongers and avoid the rumour mill…
How to handle FOMO with a chronic illness
Columnist Michelle Elman on how to handle FOMO with a chronic illness…
Columnist Michelle Elman on how to handle ‘new year anxiety’
Why it might be time to reject the idea of a ‘New year reinvention’, and instead embrace simply taking a step in the right direction…
Michelle Elman's advice on how to show up for yourself
With winter on the way, Michelle Elman highlights the ways you can schedule some vital self-care and listen to what your body needs…
Michelle Elman on how to handle a friendship break-up
Navigating the emotional turmoil at the end of a platonic relationship, with our columnist Michelle Elman…
Michelle Elman on why your own definition of success is more important than reaching for specific milestones
Michelle Elman tells us why comparing your path to others can be damaging and why we should focus on our own definition of success…
Michelle Elman on perfectionism and how to break free from it
Columnist Michelle Elman shares the underlying causes behind perfectionist behaviour, and what you can do to end the cycle…