We’re told getting things off our chest will make us feel better in the long run, but what should we do if we initially feel worse?…

Your health and wellbeing should always come first, we provide professional opinions, advice and techniques in our wellbeing features
Storybook helps children struggling after a parent's injury
A new storybook helps guide children through significant life upheavals, as latest research reveals 2.5 million children in the UK are experiencing mental health challenges following a parent’s injury or illness…
An honest conversation about weight gain
Here, we explore how to navigate mental health medications when weight changes can be triggering, and how to ensure you find a healthy, suitable solution for you…
Learning to accept scars as strength
After a life-changing accident in her youth, Iesha Palmer had severe scarring from burns – but it was the mental impact of this incident that left an even greater mark. Years later, Iesha has found an empowering message in these scars, and it’s a sentiment you need to hear…
Why you should embrace the self-love revolution
Treating yourself with compassion and care isn’t always as easy as it sounds, but we’re here to make a compelling case as to why – and how – you should embrace the self-love revolution today…
How to rediscover joy into your wardrobe
Breathe life back into your closet and express yourself in new ways, without needing to hit the shops…
Happy not perfect with Poppy Jamie
Poppy Jamie has lived experience of the damage that striving for perfection can do to our wellbeing. Now, she’s taking that knowledge, as well as a mountain of professional know-how on self-acceptance, and sharing it so we can all embrace our wildest, most imperfect selves…
Stephen Manderson: Fatherhood, the role of chaos and finding ‘me time’
Stephen Manderson, AKA Professor Green, shares his thoughts on getting help, having a healthy dose of chaos in life and considering gut health daily…
A litmus paper for our minds: how skin tells our story
It’s time we took a fresh look at the relationship between our internal and external selves…