How to stop putting off housework (and get things back on track) How to stop putting off housework (and get things back on track) How to stop putting off housework (and get things back on track)

How to stop putting off housework (and get things back on track)

One in five of us are chronic procrastinators. So, how can we start building healthier, sustainable routines, and make housework a breeze? Do you ever find yourself putting housework off until the last minute? Maybe you promise yourself, ‘I’ll do that in a minute – just one more episode’ or…

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What is the underconsumption core trend, and how can you embrace it? What is the underconsumption core trend, and how can you embrace it? What is the underconsumption core trend, and how can you embrace it?

What is the underconsumption core trend, and how can you embrace it?

The latest trend is less about buying into gathering more stuff and more about making do with what you already have. But why is the underconsumption core striking a chord, and how can you embrace it yourself?…

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