How fine-tuned are your listening skills? Counsellors Laura Harley and Beverley Hills share their top tips to become a more active listener…
Hack your way to positivity and wellness with our regular mental health life hacks
How to move house, mindfully
Moving house can be a massive life-change, and may bring up a whole raft of emotions, including stress. Here, we share expert advice to help your move through the physical and emotional changes…
Mindfulness tips for hot weather
Keep your cool with these soothing mindfulness tips for coping with hot weather…
Try the breathing technique that improves your concentration
If you’re struggling to stay focused, improve your concentration with this expert-recommended breathing technique, which could be just the trick to get you back on course…
How to make handwashing a mindful activity
These days, handwashing is even more important than it was before. So how can we turn this necessary activity into a mindful moment?…
How to maintain good communication with your boss while working remotely
Good communication is key when it comes to working effectively and happily. So how can you make sure that you do so when working remotely?…
5 wellbeing benefits of forest bathing
Forest bathing is the practice of immersing yourself in nature, by being quiet and still amongst trees. Here we explore the mental health benefits, as well as some surprising, self-reflective lessons…
How to build digital connections
As more of us than ever are working remotely, it’s natural to miss those social moments with colleagues by the water cooler. But technology is here to help...…
Tips to avoid (and resolve) conflict with colleagues
We will all face conflict at some point in our lives. Dealing with conflict is never easy, and it can be particularly difficult in the workplace. Fortunately, there are certain tips and tricks that can help…