Do you find yourself questioning if the effort will really be worth it ahead of big celebrations, birthdays, and holidays? If so, it could be a sign that you have enjoyment anxiety……
Bonnie Evie Gifford
Bonnie Evie Gifford is a Senior Writer for Happiful.
Digital Conversations Overtake Real-Life Interactions
Connections are up, but real-life conversations are down. Are we having enough meaningful interactions with those who mean the most to us?…
25 Stories From 2019 to Make You Smile
2019 may have been tough, but it hasn’t been all doom and gloom. We share 25 of the year’s top good news stories that you might have missed…
Over 4 Million UK Working-Class Men Suffer in Silence With Their Mental Health
A new report has revealed that working-class men are less likely to be aware of symptoms of common mental illnesses, and are less likely to seek treatment and support…
How to Help Kids Feel Less Stressed and Anxious During the Holidays
Christmas and the holiday season can be a magical time for children, filled with excitement, anticipation and fun times spent with family and friends. But, with changes to routines, general upheaval and hectic schedules, it can also be a distressing, worry-filled time for some kids and teens…
Does My Mental Health Affect My Sex Life?
Mental illness can affect your life more than you might think. From the emotional to the physical, find out how you can take back control.…
What Is Kintsugi?
Could the Japanese art of pottery repair help us to embrace our imperfections, and celebrate them as things of beauty?…
10 Ways To Tackle SAD Now
Over half of British adults say their mood is worse during the winter months, yet few of us know how we can proactively counter this. We share 10 simple ways you can tackle SAD right now…
I Think I May Have Caught An STD… Now What?
If you’re worried you may have caught an STD, it’s important to get answers (and treatment) as soon as possible – but for some of us, that’s easier said than done. We run through everything you need to know about getting tested…