Make sure you’re on the same page, and get the most out of counselling with these four key questions…

Your health and wellbeing should always come first, we provide professional opinions, advice and techniques in our wellbeing features
5 journalling techniques to get to know yourself
How well do you really know yourself?…
A beginner's guide to EFT tapping
Are you curious about tapping? Here, we’ll cover the basics of EFT, and guide you through a routine to reduce anxiety…
How can virtual reality benefit our mental health?
Could virtual reality be the key to overcoming social anxiety?…
Which supplements are really good for us?
From glossier hair to shedding weight and boosting your energy, we’re often told that supplements could be the key to our health goals. But which ones are worth taking, and which ones offer false promises? Jenna Farmer helps separate fact from fiction when it comes to all things vitamins…
Confidence tips from an improv comedian
Do you know what’s funny? How techniques for surviving the spotlight on stage can help us find our feet in the real world…
Exploring family estrangement
Reuniting with a brother or sister is usually expected to lead to a happy ever after – but what happens when it’s not the fairytale ending you wished for?…
What is revenge bedtime procrastination?
Is something stopping you from getting the sleep you know you need?…
What does it mean to be non-binary?
Exploring the term ‘non-binary’, and how to be a better ally…