With benefits including anxiety-fighting hormones, and a host of physical perks, could regular orgasms transform wellness as we know it? Orgasms are good for us. Like, really good for us. Physical benefits, psychological benefits, and a whole host of social ones; the evidence is overwhelmingly telling us that it’s…

Family, friendships, marriage and sex, all directly affect our mental health and wellbeing, we bring you tips, features and explainers
How to Nurture a Healthy Family Dynamic
Similar dramas and debates often crop up in families over the years, causing guilt for not presenting a perfectly happy family unit. But with advice from our counsellor, you can address the dynamic in a healthy way and stop history repeating itself…
Helping Teens Transition: A Guide for Parents
Finding out that your child is transgender is a big message to take in. You might be worried that you don’t know how or what to do or say, or that what you are doing is not enough. Counsellor Anna Jezuita shares her tips on how to support transitioning young people.…
Alexandra Burke: On the Record
The past 12 months have seen extreme highs and lows for Alexandra Burke – and couldn’t have been much more emotionally challenging. Her hugely supportive mother passed away, shortly before Alexandra appeared on Strictly Come Dancing [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40910799] where, despite reaching the final, she received…
How to Support a Loved One as they Come Out as Trans
Is someone close to you coming out as transgender? Here’s how you can emotionally navigate the potentially choppy waters, and why it is so important to try to understand their decision If a family member comes out as transgender [https://www.glaad.org/transgender/transfaq], the news may come…
How To Make Mother's Day Less Commercial
It’s hard to deny that the day has become highly commercialised. Just how many mum mugs, chocolates, and oddly patterned scarves do do we really need? We’ve put together a few simple ideas to help you have a more memorable, less commercial celebration.…
Is Valentine’s Day Damaging for Couples and Singles?
It's a day focussed on love, but can the pressure – whether single or coupled-up – mean it’s a holiday we resent? Life coach and author Jennifer Boon has advice on how to bring back the authentic love Valentine’s Day is meant to be all about love, but…
Romantic Activities For a Non-Commercial Valentine's Day
Love hearts and roses aren’t for everyone. This Valentine’s Day, do things your way With every other shop window decked out in anything red and heart-shaped, and radio stations playing love songs on repeat, it’s hard to escape the materialistic monster that Valentine’s Day has become.…
How To Avoid The ‘Suffocation Relationship’
This new coupling trend shows we expect way too much from our partner. But real love is all about balance The phrase “happily ever after” has been misinterpreted over the years to create an unrealistic version of our everyday lives. Living “happily ever after” looks, feels and behaves very differently…