Stress can impact us in various ways. Unlock the power of breath to help counter its effects…
5 breathing techniques to manage stress
Practical ways to calm your breath to ease stress and anxiety right now…
3 breathing exercises to reduce anxiety
A deep breath can work wonders for your wellbeing, so to help you get into this beneficial practice, we share three intentional breathing techniques that can help soothe stressed minds, and induce calm…
Signs you’re breathing incorrectly, and how to fix it
It should be as easy as, well, breathing – but there’s a technique to getting the most from your breath, and here a body-led psychotherapist breaks down everything you need to know…
The breathing technique to help you through life's challenges
Four ways the resonance breath technique can support your mental health…
Try the breathing technique that improves your concentration
If you’re struggling to stay focused, improve your concentration with this expert-recommended breathing technique, which could be just the trick to get you back on course…
Master Your Breathing
There are hundreds of ways to bring calmness into your life, but the easiest (and cheapest) is by simply taking a deep breath Buddhist monks always teach their students the immense value of “noticing the breath”, otherwise known as mindfulness breathing. It’s a wonderful technique that can be used…