This World Mental Health Day, we’re highlighting those who have taken tangible action to support the mental health of others, and share five ways you can get involved, too

Mental health: we’re talking about it a lot more these days. And, thanks to that, most people will be able to identify some of the common symptoms of common mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, and many workplaces now preach the importance of wellbeing support, and speaking up when you’re going through a hard time. And while those are all very positive things, there’s still a lot of work to be done.

Despite some progress in recent years, a study by JLA of employees from 150 companies revealed that four in five people still feel let down by a lack of mental health support in the workplace, specifically with regards to anxiety. However, the good news is that companies where employees felt they were offered ‘sufficient’ support were four times more effective at reducing severe anxiety in the workplace.

Real change is certainly possible, and taking action to make sure that employees are supported is good for businesses, too. In fact, the World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts that the cost to the global economy, caused by depression and anxiety, is $1 trillion – predominantly due to reduced productivity. As WHO outlines, although work can actually be a protective factor for mental health – giving us a sense of purpose, community, and reward – it can also contribute negatively to mental health. That said, the key thing is that a lot of what causes poor mental health is preventable.

But creating good mental health isn’t something that you can tick off on your to-do list, it’s something that you have to work on little by little, each and every day. It’s about culture, compassion, and a dedication to creating a better future. That’s why, this World Mental Health Day, we’re launching our brand new campaign: Work in Progress.

We want to highlight how workplace mental health support is about ongoing, consistent actions that come together to create an open and compassionate environment. We want to equip you with the knowledge that you need in order to make a tangible difference – and we want to celebrate and highlight the steps that have already been taken to serve as valuable motivation.

Are you ready to join us? Here’s how you can get involved:

1. Be inspired

Read about eight organisations that are already breaking the mould and doing things differently for their employees. From ‘no questions asked’ sick day policies all the way up to loans for those escaping domestic abuse, be inspired by the work that others are doing to do business in a whole new way.

Read about eight organisations doing things radically differently in order to support employee mental health and wellbeing.

2. Sign up for our free webinar

On 10 October at 1 PM, you're invited to join our expert-led online event, brimming with insightful discussions on supporting employees' mental health and leading by example.

3. Download our free workplace wellbeing presentation

Learn more about why workplace wellbeing is so important, and the impact that it can have on businesses. Plus, discover six things that you can do today to improve your workplace wellbeing, and spread the word that you are a work in progress. Our fact-packed presentation is the perfect tool for starting a discussion in your workplace.

4. Get your hands on our digital assets to join the conversation on World Mental Health Day

This year, join in the World Mental Health Day conversation in a meaningful way by highlighting the changes that organisations can make in order to better support their employees’ mental health and wellbeing.

Find out more and register now.