In the second instalment of our series exploring our relationship with the world around us, we step into spring.…
Caroline Butterwick
Caroline is a contributing writer to Happiful.
The power of lifelong learning: why you could benefit from a return to education
Whether you have an unexplored passion or want to upskill, learning can be a lifelong pursuit, and one that opens doors to endless possibilities……
How to support a loved one who has stopped drinking
Giving up alcohol can be a massive challenge – but also brings many benefits. So, what can you do to help a friend or loved one on the journey?…
Discover the wellbeing benefits of living seasonally: winter edition
Discover how to deepen your connection with the world around you, and embrace the seasonal gifts nature has to offer…
Discover how to have a meaningful Christmas with these simple steps
Take the stress out of festivities by figuring out what means most to you, and discover your own new traditions along the way……
How to get health and wellbeing support as a student
Starting university comes with fresh challenges, so here's how to find the help you need…
Why you should try writing morning pages to boost your wellbeing
What are 'morning pages', and how can we make the most of their wellbeing magic by doing this activity every day?…
The secret to successful community connections and how to turn neighbours into friends
It’s time to tear down those fences (not literally), and connect with the community next door…
Discover the joy of hiking and its mental health benefits
Walking in nature is great for your mental and physical health. So, get your boots on and step up, because here's out beginner's guide…