Leading UK nutritionist, author and podcast host Rhiannon Lambert shares her story with Happiful and Counselling Directory's podcast I am. I have - How It Helps
Rhiannon Lambert, Harley Street nutritionist and host of chart-topping Food For Thought podcast, joined Happiful’s I am. I have - How It Helps to talk about her extensive work in nutrition, including how to find and work with a nutritionist and how we can learn to listen to our bodies and eat mindfully.
Before talk turned to nutrition and our relationships with food, Rhiannon kindly shared the experiences that led her to study and practice as a nutritionist.
Rhiannon began her career as a professional soprano, and says that at the time she had an “extremely painful and difficult relationship with food,” explaining that “there was a lot of pressure on my image rather than on my talent.”
Rhiannon shares with listeners that she was given antidepressants when she went to the doctors for help with a lack of energy, but knew that these tablets were not the answer to her issues. So she decided to do her own research. This sparked a deeper interest, which led her on to study for a Degree in Nutrition and ultimately, change her career path and life direction.
Rhiannon explains that studying nutrition; “literally did change my life and save it.”
Rhiannon explains that studying nutrition “literally did change my life and save it.” Following her first degree, Rhiannon studied for a Masters Degree in Obesity, Risks and Prevention and from there, discovered that psychology and nutrition work hand in hand. This led to her Master Practitioner Degree, with an emphasis on psychological aspects of disordered eating.
In addition to Rhiannon’s own story and beginnings in the profession, the mini podcast in the I am. I have series focuses on what a nutritionist is and how they can help, our individual relationship with food, and how important it can be to observe the rules and patterns we all have in place when it comes to our nutritional lives.
This is the first of two episodes from Rhiannon Lambert.
Find out more about Rhiannon and do check out her wonderful podcast and book, Food For Thought and Re-Nourish; A Simple Way To Eat Well.
If you are looking for a nutritionist near you, visit Nutritionist Resource.