Lucy Sheridan, the first and only comparison coach, knows what it’s like to feel crippled by self-doubt. Now, it’s her mission to help others break free from the comparison trap
Mental health matters to me because…
It colours every part of my life. More and more, people are feeling safe to discuss their experiences, and realising that we don’t have to wait until things feel unbearable before recognising we need support.
I’d like to see things progress to the point where we express our mental health as freely as we do with physical health, and are met with the same compassion, understanding, and empathy.
When I need some self-care, I…
Take myself offline and retreat from the world for a few days.
The best lesson I’ve learned in life is…
The timing will always be perfect. Setting goals is great for our focus, but sometimes, no matter how committed we are, things don’t work out as planned. The tendency is to let self-doubt creep in, and yet often the progress we seek is unfolding as it needs to. Years ago, I was unhappy in my job, but expected that it might be a few years before I could leave. Suddenly big changes came in at the company, and I ended up leaving within a few months! Although I felt worried and unprepared, it was just the push I needed.
Three things I would say to someone experiencing mental ill-health are…
To share how you’re feeling with someone that you trust. It’s OK to seek therapy – we each deserve to heal. Take time out from the internet – the stimulus rarely helps when we are not feeling ourselves.
The moment I felt most proud of myself was…
A couple of months ago, when I created a new course – after too much time thinking about it – called The Good Gram, that taught social media confidence and strategy. Seeing it out in the world was a big moment that highlighted to me what I can do when I set my mind to it. It silenced the inner critic that had dominated my thoughts for too long.
Being a comparison coach has taught me...
There is always more work to do, and I’ll continue to be a prime case study.
The main thing I want people to know about the comparison trap is…
It will take a while to free yourself, but if you stick at it you can and will. There isn’t a switch to flick, rather it’s a process we can tailor to our own needs. It’s so important to have an open mind and set new standards for yourself. I used to feel constantly in comparison, and it was like a dull ache that permeated my life. I still compare myself, but today those episodes are short-lived and spread out, which feels like great progress.
When I’m lacking motivation I…
Check what day of my cycle I’m on... When I have PMT I know I need to listen to my body and rest rather than bully myself into being productive. At other times when I need a boost, I look at my vision board to remind myself what rewards are in store if I stay the course!
‘The Comparison Cure’ by Lucy Sheridan is out now (Orion Spring, £14.99). Follow @lucysheridan on Instagram and Twitter