Embrace some deep relaxation, with these tips for a mindful weekend

We can all accept that the normal week has seven days in it. But, every now and then, it can feel more like 70.

We take on a lot during the week. Work and family commitments are at the forefront of our minds, our to-do lists are never-ending, and the pressure that comes with daily life bubbles up to the surface. With all that going on, it’s no wonder that so many of us are experiencing burnout.

So, this weekend, make a commitment to nurturing your wellbeing, with these steps to help you fully switch off and embrace deep relaxation.

1. If you have to do chores, consider how you do them

Sadly, household chores don’t stop just because Friday feeling is in full bloom. But if you’re aiming to have a rejuvenating weekend, setting yourself up with a brand-new to-do list may not be helping.

If you find that your time off tends to get taken up by chores and odd jobs, try to adopt an attitude of ‘good enough’. For example, you have a daunting pile of laundry in front of you – could you break it down and fold on Saturday and put it away on Sunday? Or if your house is in need of a tidy up, could you break it down by room and just address the ones essential for relaxation?

It may help to set a time limit for yourself. For example, you have just one hour on a Saturday morning to do chores. What are the essential things that have to be done? And what can be set aside for a time when you have more energy?

This is also a chance to ask yourself whether the division of labour in your household is equal. Could, or should, someone else step up and help you out?

2. To lie-in or not to lie-in

A weekend lie-in is an absolute classic, and we certainly don’t want to take away that simple pleasure. But studies have examined a connection between irregular sleep patterns and low mood, and generally recommend trying not to under or oversleep by more than 90 minutes.

If you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning during the week, it might be worth examining that a bit closer. Is it because you’re tired from not getting enough sleep at night, or could it be more to do with feelings of burnout, and the dread of facing another stressful day? If that’s the case, would things be different if you have a day full of fun and self-care ahead of you?

woman reading book

3. Gentle movement

The link between exercise and wellbeing is something that so many of us can attest to personally. But that doesn’t mean that you need to sign up for a Sunday morning spin class, or go for a 10K run, if that’s not your thing.

Gentle movement, like a rambling walk or yoga, is a fantastic way to take care of both your mind and body. Also, if you spend a lot of time sitting down, crouching over a computer screen, this is an opportunity to stretch out your body and give it the movement that it needs.

There are plenty of free yoga classes available on YouTube, or check out our favourite uplifting, body-confident home workouts.

4. Reconnect with your values

When we are moving at 100 miles per hour during the week, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of it all without stopping to consider the things that really matter to us.

Whether it's through meditation, creating vision boards, writing it down, or just quietly reflecting – take a few moments to think about the values that you hold most dear. Are you living in accordance with them? Do you feel fulfilled? If not, are there any steps you can take to better meet those needs?

It’s a check-in that’s worth doing from time to time – and, to help you on your way, we’ve put together a list of five questions to ask yourself.

5. Do the thing that brings you the most joy

It could be a hobby that you get totally lost in, or reconnect with loved ones after a week of rushing around. Or maybe there’s a self-care activity that also does the trick – cooking yourself your favourite meal, a luxurious bath, journaling, reading, or just having some quiet time to yourself.

This time is yours – so, whatever it involves, try to make sure that you fill it with joy this weekend.

Looking to work with a life coach to realign your values? Connect with a professional using lifecoach-directory.org.uk