We don’t know about you, but for us, summer is all about friends, family and making memories. As we bask in the rare British sunshine, parties and picnics soon appear, putting our hosting abilities to the test. You’ve got the snacks ready and the BBQ is on – but what's next? Dessert, of course

We’re finally seeing blue skies and bright sunshine, so what better way to celebrate than with a delicious dessert that can double as breakfast? Too good to be true, you may think. But no, this recipe is exactly that. Sweet peach, spicy crumble, and your choice of ice cream or yoghurt – heck yes.

Over recent years, the focus on health, fitness and what we’re eating has ramped up, big time. Of course, eating well is essential in keeping your body healthy and providing it with the nutrients it needs. But sometimes, we need to focus on our mind, soul and, home of all desserts, the heart. We’re often made to feel guilty about tucking into our favourite foods, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to indulge a little. In fact, letting yourself enjoy the food you want – not need – can often be just as beneficial as getting your five a day.


To us, dessert is something to bond over. The sudden, intense moment of pleasure as the sweetness touches your lips is something to relish. It marks the end of an evening of fun and laughter, memory and celebration. Dessert is a moment of luxury and this recipe will make you feel like royalty – if only for a moment.

Nutritional therapist Sonal Shah says:

What if I told you that yes, you can have a dessert and not feel guilty after? If you’re looking to lose weight, there is no need to deprive yourself – you can still eat the foods you love! All of your favourite foods can be made healthier – from ice cream to cakes, chocolate and jelly. When your appetite and diet is balanced, you won’t need large portion sizes or crave foods – rest assured that you can eat desserts and still achieve your health goals.

We often crave desserts to boost serotonin levels – the chemical that elevates our mood. When tired, we fancy a pick-me-up, and if we’ve had a high-carb meal, our blood sugars can drop, making us crave something sweet as an energy boost.

This peach crumble is an example of a healthy dessert that will not only satisfy your sweet craving, but also fill you up and elevate your mood. Peaches are a nutrient-rich, tasty and versatile fruit, containing vitamin A, vitamin C and B vitamins.

The oats provide a wholesome source of carbohydrates and fibre, which is satiating and good for digestion, and the pecans will give the crumble a nice, crunchy bite!

The yoghurt contains protein and calcium, though if you’re wanting a more indulgent dessert, Greek yoghurt and ice cream are fine in moderation. If you’re vegan or dairy-intolerant, then soya or coconut ice cream is a great alternative.

Remember, desserts don’t have to be sweet tasting. If you prefer savoury, then some cheese and crackers or salted nuts are fine to consume. A packet of crisps or chips that you can bake from home, like kale or vegetable crisps, are another option.

Sonal is a nutritional therapist and health tutor. She has been director of Synergy Nutrition since 2009 and consults privately, runs independent nutrition workshops, and is a regular guest on TV.

Peach crumble

peach crumble


Serves 4

4 peaches
2 tbsp raisins
2 tsp cinnamon
Vanilla essence

2 cups porridge oats
½ cup chopped pecans
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp coconut oil

To serve:
Vanilla ice cream or full-fat natural yoghurt


Preheat oven to 180 degrees, Gas Mark 4.

Peel and slice the peaches. In a bowl, add the raisins, cinnamon and vanilla essence. Mix together and transfer to your baking dish.

Melt the coconut oil. Combine with the oats, pecans and honey. Sprinkle over the peach filling.

Bake in the oven for 25–30 minutes until golden and bubbling.

Serve warm, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

So, we had a little left over.

We popped it in the fridge and added to a bowl of natural yoghurt in the morning. It was a delicious and satisfying breakfast, perfect for a sunny Sunday morning.