From an eco-friendly reading gift to a game designed to make your world a little kinder, check out our enriching wellbeing recommendations…
Each month, we hand-pick suggestions for ways you can nurture your wellbeing.
10 enriching things to try in March to benefit your wellbeing
From an expectation-free hiking trend to an all-inclusive communication guide, we have ten wellbeing recommendations just for you…
10 wonderful things to try in February to benefit your wellbeing
From a hobby-sharing app to a luxurious wellness accessory, try something new with our top ten wellbeing recommendations…
10 new things to try in January to benefit your wellbeing
From a twilight adventure to a nostalgic exercise, check out this month’s revitalising recommendations for your wellbeing…
10 revitalising things to try in December to benefit your wellbeing
From a self-reflective outdoor activity to a lesson in advocacy, check out these refreshing recommendations from our wellbeing round-up…
10 wonderful things to try in November to benefit your wellbeing
From a local exploration to a lesson in sustainability, try something refreshing from our wellbeing round-up…
10 new things to try in October to benefit your wellbeing
From an educational exploration to a simple act of kindness, try something new and refreshing for your wellbeing…
10 wonderful things to try in September to benefit your wellbeing
From a colourful walking challenge to a selfless fundraising idea, try something new that’s guaranteed to boost your wellbeing…
10 revitalising things to try in August to benefit your wellbeing
From an app that will help transform your breathing habits to a course in happiness, explore something new and revitalising for your wellbeing…