It’s easy to get swept up in a hectic day— alarm goes off, emails flood in, and before you know it, it’s 10 PM. But what if there was a simple way to take back control of your day? 

‘Saving the day’ is the latest trend encouraging people to focus on reclaiming their day by purposefully doing something positive for themselves. The term has gained popularity after TikTok creator and life coach Trina highlighted the benefits in a viral video.

The practice can be any self-care activity and doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Examples include calling a family member, putting on a comfort TV show, going for a walk, savouring a coffee at a cosy cafe, or reading a new book. The idea is to create more space for yourself amidst a busy schedule.

Trina explained that the practice helps her reconnect with herself, framing it as a light-hearted challenge as she looks for new ways to bring more peace and intention back into her schedule. Psychotherapist Brianna Paruolo notes that it's easy to get caught up in the fast-paced nature of a busy work week. She agrees that incorporating more "save the day" moments can help you unwind, slow down, and reconnect with yourself. Without these intentional pauses, the days tend to blur together, increasing the risk of burnout, stress, or anxiety.

Incorporating the ‘save the day’ trend into your day

Start simple. The trick is to show up for yourself in ways that genuinely make you feel good. Start by creating a list of easy, low-effort, yet rewarding activities that you can fit into your day whenever needed. Whether it's taking a relaxing bath, going on a long walk, or listening to your favourite podcast, these small acts of self-care allow you to carve out some meaningful time for yourself.

Set daily intentions. Take a moment to clarify what you want to accomplish for yourself that day. Ask yourself, "What will fill up my cup today?" or "How can I recharge?" and check in with yourself throughout the day as your needs may shift. By intentionally incorporating these moments, they can quickly become a natural and enjoyable part of your day.

In her article ‘Paving the way to inner contentment’, Counsellor Ashleigh Duncan notes, “Don't postpone happiness by waiting for a day when your life is less busy or less stressful. Enjoy the small pleasures of life. If you struggle to see those pleasures, create them. Implore one act daily of something you enjoy, this should be something you don’t have to do, instead set a daily intention of something you wish to do. This could be as small or extravagant as you like. The only stipulation is to do it regularly."

Explore different activities. Keep your list of day-saving activities fresh by regularly adding new ones. Try different hobbies, visit new cafes, or engage in spontaneous outings. This can provide a refreshing break from your routine and make the practice more exciting and effective.

Try it with a friend. In her TikTok video, Trina notes that she and her friend regularly check in with each other about the moments that "saved their day." “Since discovering this concept, my friends and I now touch base on Fridays to share how we've ‘saved the day’ throughout the week.” Practising the challenge with others can help keep you accountable, especially on days when you’re not feeling 100%.

Reflect on your experiences. At the end of each day, take a moment to reflect on what helped you “save your day” and how it affected your mood and energy. Did spending time in nature help you to feel more positive? Maybe seeing a friend boosted your mood? Jot down your thoughts and feelings in a journal, this reflection can guide you in choosing even better self-care practices for the next day.

Bad days are inevitable but dedicating time each day to do something positive for yourself can help turn difficult days into opportunities for self-care. If you’re struggling to identify what fills your cup or if you find it hard to implement self-care practices, working with a life coach can provide personalised guidance and support. You can find qualified professionals Life Coach Directory.