A special episode of Holby City, focusing on male mental health, will air at 8pm, 28 August on BBC One

‘Man Down’ a one-off episode of Holby City focusing on the mental health of Dr Sacha Levy (played by Bob Barrett) will air tonight. The programme follows Dr Levy’s struggles after a devastating outcome for a patient he had become close to.

With flashbacks providing context for his troubled state of mind, the programme will see the much-loved doctor on the roof of Holby City, emotionally contemplating the past year.

Simon Harper, Executive Producer of Holby City and Casualty, said: "This is an incredibly important episode of Holby where we completely depart from our normal format, focusing on one troubled year in the life of one beloved, vulnerable character. Brilliant writer Michelle Lipton shines a light on the vital issue of male mental health and how it can slip under the radar because of the reluctance of many men like Sacha who avoid seeking help for fear of appearing weak."

Mental Health Charity Mind have provided invaluable support and advice for the programme makers in order to depict mental health in a truthful and safe way.

Mind Media Engagement and Awards Manager Jenni Regan, said: "It’s great to see that Holby City is shining a spotlight on the issue of depression and suicide rates in men. Particularly using such a well-loved and popular character, Sacha. We know when dramatic portrayals of mental health are well done, it can have the potential to improve attitudes towards those of us with mental health problems, and encourage more people to seek help.

"Mind’s Media Advice Service encourages and supports positive and realistic dramatic depictions of mental health problems. The service works with a large number of dramas and continuing dramas series each week and attempts to include input from people with experience of mental health problems, to help shape scripts and storylines.

"If you think you or a loved one might be experiencing a mental health problem then seeking help is one of the most important things you can do. Speak to a friend or family member or go to your GP, who can talk you through the support that’s available or call the Mind Infoline on 0300 123 3393 for more information."

This episode follows research released by Mind last week, raising concerns about the mental health of GP’s and other healthcare professionals.

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